Arctic Spas adds Apple Watch Support with all the Controls on your Wrist

by Jul 8, 2022

Home > Arctic Spas adds Apple Watch Support with all the Controls on your Wrist

Arctic Spas adds Apple Watch Support with all the Controls on your Wrist

by | Jul 8, 2022

I’m Christian Staples with Arctic Spas. I have some very exciting news for everyone with an Arctic Spa that is connected to the Arctic Spa App. With the latest update, we have added Apple Watch Support. This means that now you have full control of your Arctic Spa from your wrist.

Other brands brag about their fancy topside control panels or multiple controls in the spa, but there is nothing more convenient than what is on your own wrist.

The amazing part about this update is that for every Arctic Spa owner from 2012 until now who has their Arctic Spa connected to the Arctic Spa App, has been given this feature for free. It was never promised or listed as a feature when you purchased your Arctic Spa but because we offer free over the air updates, you now have this super cool feature.

So how do you install this app on your Apple Watch? Typically, it will just be downloaded automatically as you update your app on your phone. If not, go into the Apple Watch settings, find Arctic Spas, and enable “Show App on Watch”. You may also need to make sure the firmware on the hot tub is up to date by accessing the settings in the Arctic Spa App on the phone and clicking on firmware upgrade.

And for all those people with Android phones, while I do feel sorry for your bad decisions, just kidding only fueling the Apple vs Android fire there, Android watch support is coming soon. Just keep an eye out for it.

Arctic Spas adds Apple Watch Support with all the Controls on your Wrist

Just as a side note, typically electronic manufactures of items such as the Apple Watch, while it is waterproof, they do not recommend hot water, so keep your wrist out of the water as much as possible.

So, if you want to make sure that your hot tub gets better and better over time with more options made possible by free over the air updates, make sure you pick out an Arctic Spa.

For more information check us out online at, give us a call at 801-483-1001, or stop by one of our stores in Salt Lake at 2368 S State Street, just north of I-80 on the west side of State Street, or in St George at 1086 W Red Cliffs Drive, just off of I-15 at the Green Springs Exit.

Arctic Spas, the only Spa Built for Utah’s Harsh Climate with free over the air updates!